Thursday, November 13, 2008

Beginning of obstacle challenge (13/11)

Today, we started working on programming, aiming accomplishing two challenges with the light sensor and touch sensor. Its overall result is considered to be good. However, another obstacle surfaced: the friction. Just 1cm of change in direction when starting made a great difference at the end. It is still not solved and remaining as a hardest challenge that we are going to spend most of the time on. So far, it is considered that if the friction problem is solved, others would be done without any problems.


l.clark said...

Yeh...our program is pretty much guess and check now...

l.clark said...

We still have to do the challenge today...but based on what we saw with the tread robots being very easy to keep going straight...I wonder if we could have done something similar, however with a 3:1 gear to ratio to amp up the speed